
Venture Hive with DEMO Africa


Last week Venture Hive’s CTO, Luis Amat attended DEMO Africa in Lagos, Nigeria and mentored the top 40 African tech startups who participated. In preparation for the final pitch, Venture Hive completed an 8-week virtual mentoring program and an onsite 2-day program. Luis mentored companies throughout the week and helped top performing participants perfect their pitches before presenting in front of hundreds at the Lions Summit event held on September 24th. Read more in this article published in allAfrica.

Venture Hive was invited to join the LIONS@frica partnership in August 2013 and last year provided a 3-day workshop for the top 40 African tech startups in Nairobi, Kenya. Venture Hive also mentored companies virtually for weeks and ran a 2-day workshop in Silicon Valley for the 2013 winners of both DEMO Africa and DEMO Asean. Through this partnership Venture Hive has supported more than 100 African tech startups in the past 13 months and will continue to support entrepreneurial efforts within Africa.


LIONS@frica is a partnership that fosters the mobilization of resources, knowledge, and talent of top institutions to enhance the innovation and startup cultures throughout Africa. The U.S. Department of state, in collaboration with Microsoft, Startup Weekend, DEMO, and USAID, launched LIONS@africa in response to Africa’s fast-growing economies. The partnership seeks to promote entrepreneurship by building a platform that encourages African innovators.

DEMO Africa is one of LIONS@africa’s programs that seeks to cultivate a connection between the global economy and African startups. Through DEMO Africa, startups in a range of tech categories are able to present and launch their products by participating in workshops, receiving support in various areas, and meeting with investors, venture capital firms, specialists and buyers from around the world. In the past two years, the participants have generated over $8 million in partnerships, investments, and exposure.


Venture Hive is honored to support LIONS@frica and DEMO Africa in this exciting and inspiring initiative. If you would like to learn more about this and other activities happening around The Hive, please sign up for our newsletter here.

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